2020 - Fashism in Spain
And even more fascism ...
High-ranking Spanish military officers dream of "shooting 26 million sons of bitches
In an internal chat they wish the Franco supporters a new coup, are greeted by the head of the VOX party, they do not distance themselves from their statements
Telepolis had already reported that Spanish police officers in internal chats call "Hitler a good man" and wished the former left-wing mayor of Madrid an agonizing death. Now Infolibre shows how deeply this ideology is anchored in the armed forces.
High-ranking retired military officers, like General Francisco Beca, they even wish for a mass murder that would put the Shoa in the shade. In a WhatsApp group, Beca leans particularly far out of the window. He wants to put well over half of the country's population up against the wall: "There is no other option than to start shooting 26 million sons of bitches.
The former general of the Air Force actually only has the doubt whether that is enough. "I believe that I have fallen short with the 26 million!!!!!!!!" And it continues in this style. The situation is currently such that "the only option left is to cut out the cancer". For him, the left forces in the country represent the cancer. He thus admits that the left represents a clear majority in the country, since Spain has only 42 million inhabitants. He makes no secret of the fact that he is a fascist supporter of Franco, he admires the dictator as the "one and only".
Also other former high officers do not stand back, demanding "26 million bullets", as in a message from the cell phone of the captain José Molina: "I want them all and their clan to die. I want that. Is that too much to ask", he asks with a view to the Social Democratic government. There is no contradiction among the military.
The exchange of messages between Colonel Ángel Díaz Rivera and Colonel Andrés González Espinar is also interesting. Espinar would like to "make the members of the "damned ANC" (Catalan National Assembly) "pay". By this he means the process of independence that the large civil society organization is driving forward. The fact that their former presidents Carme Forcadell and Jordi Sànchez are in prison for a conviction for a fabricated revolt is not enough for them. They were even charged for an alleged coup (rebellion) because they peacefully put up ballot boxes.
VOX stands behind the military
Rivera answers him: "One day ... someone's gonna have to start doing something (legal or illegal) about these sons of bitches." To which Espinar returns, the ANC headquarters should be bombed. It becomes clear that in this chat group one is really dreaming of a new military coup and rebellion like the one that was attempted in 1981 when the Guardia Civil stormed the parliament and drove tanks into the streets.
Some Ultras from this chat forum also belong to the group of 73 retired military personnel who recently wrote a letter to the King. It is known that Franco restored the monarchy and appointed the king as his successor. The ultra-right VOX party, the government of the Social Democrats (PSOE) and the left-wing coalition "Unidas Podemos" also called "social communist", turned against the government of Pedro Sánchez. They see "national cohesion" in danger, as the government is supported by "ETA supporters and independence advocates", leading to the "disintegration of national unity". The El País newspaper had made the event public.
So is it any wonder that the head of the fascist VOX also appears in the chat forum? In an audio message he considers it necessary to greet the group. "A hug to all. And: Long live Spain", says Santiago Abascal. And so it is no wonder that the party does not want to distance itself from the military. Its spokeswoman Macarena Olona declared in the parliament where the government's budget was debated, which in the meantime, as expected, has been approved by 187 votes, that it is dealing with statements that advocate the "national unity of Spain".
VOX had recently refused to distance itself from right-wing rioters. So there was no distance to the unspeakable statements of Olonas. Distance from the dictatorship is alien to many in Spain, where the Franquists remained completely unpunished and simply slipped over the democratic mantle in the transition. Thus the People's Party (PP), which until a year and a half ago was in power, has never distanced itself from the dictatorship, which was founded by former ministers of the dictatorship. Abascal comes from the PP, VOX is only an even more radical split. For VOX spokeswoman Olona, therefore, those who dream of a coup and mass murder are "naturally our people". But VOX complained that their "private messages" were published.
The fact that the Ministry of Defense now wants to hand over the case to the public prosecutor's office should not be interpreted as threatening the Ultras with punishment. The judges in the chat of the Nazi policemen in Madrid, for example, did not see any criminally relevant behavior. It is known, however, that the judiciary sees things quite differently when, for example, left-wing singers such as Valtonyc sing about the corrupt ex-king or long disappeared organizations. They are sentenced to long prison terms and, like the rapper, have to flee into exile. The Spanish judiciary then uses every trick in the book to obtain their extradition. For years Spain has been the world champion in the imprisonment of critical artists and even surpasses Iran, Turkey, Myanmar, Egypt and China. (Ralf Streck)