2024 - Religions and the current state of the world ...


What is happening again? Religious groups are at war with each other – as just the Jewish, Israeli community with the Muslims

Religions: I don't hate them, I despise them profoundly. For thousands of years, the most horrific atrocities have been carried out by mankind under the guise of religions: massacres, exterminations, destructions, rapes, humiliations, exploitations, all under the justification of an abstruse belief in gods, in God, in imaginary forces that guide us, care for us, forgive our sins and promise us a life, a refreshing existence after death. of an abstruse belief in gods, in God, in imaginary forces that guide us, care for us, forgive our sins and promise that there will be life, a refreshing existence after death. But only for us humans! In most religions, animals are excluded. Only we, the humans, are supposed to be the chosen ones! How can anyone come up with such a thing? There is neither God nor gods.

The computer is the best simulation of a human brain to date. And what happens when the hard drive, the memory, “gives up the ghost”? Nothing! There is simply nothing left! Hard drive deleted, programs - if still present, deleted and ineffective! And exactly the same thing happens when we are overtaken by death. No more, none of us goes to heaven or other spheres that could keep us conscious Just like the “consciousness” of a computer, which falls into nothingness when its electrical activity is switched off. And so far, no one has been able to provide plausible counter-explanations. “Miracles” are mythological lies!

How can people be so presumptuous as to attribute their actions to gods or a god? If at all, then these are the people in our societies who have the upper hand and use these tall tales to gain advantages.

Religions are exactly the same as conspiracy theories, with which people who lack sufficient capacity for rational thought are infected. And unfortunately there are many, many more of them than you might think.

“Subdue the earth!” was the first premise of the first religions. And that justifies all the atrocities that are carried out by humans and that also affect living beings that may be a little less intelligent To hunt them, to eat them, to misuse them for experiments, whales, dolphins, monkeys, octopuses, dogs, cats, horses and cattle, to name just a small selection. The exploitation of higher intelligence is always at the expense of beings with less intelligence and to the advantage of the more intelligent or clever.

All of this continues relentlessly to this day. In particular, the Catholic Church still has tremendous power and enormous financial potential, not only in Europe, but also in South America and even in some Asian and African countries. But of course, other religious and/or elitist “affiliations” also have breathtaking resources. Money and power are still based mainly on religious affiliations, not on genetic affiliation to a human race.

And instead of using financial potential for the benefit of all, it adds up to billions in the accounts of these people, who hoard it under the guise of their religion and do not care about important things like education, health care, etc. The stupid must be kept stupid so that they do the work that keeps our planet running. And yet we have now reached a level of scientific and industrial development that could enable everyone in the world to live better.

But this is not being sufficiently utilized either, with the result that our planet is increasingly doomed due to the climate change we have caused. And those who will suffer most from this are the poorest people on this planet.

In addition, the compulsion to consume initiated by those in power through the media has led to the production of a huge amount of useless goods, which are equally destroying the ecology of our world.

Relevant political or otherwise organized counterforces are demonized, suppressed and ultimately eliminated by all means available to those in power, so that everything will remain as it is until the final downfall.

Nice post here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E0ljECms3tI?app=desktop